The Krav Maga System originated in Israel within what is known today as the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). This self-reliant form of individual defense was created during Israel’s creation as a country. It has been adopted by many defense and security bodies within Israel as well as by numerous other countries.
The Krav Maga system was developed to allow an individual to react to a threat and/or attack in a quick, simple and decisive manner.
As the complexity and elements of each specific threat is different, the tools and training of the individuals and security/protection organizations will change to allow for adapting to the situations these personnel will encounter while on duty.
Krav Maga in the Military:

Krav Maga in the Military focuses on training and preparing the soldier for battle and violent conflicts in different scenarios.
The program emphasis is placed on developing the soldier’s aggressiveness and determination to win. This is achieved using Krav Maga’s simple and effective techniques for:
- Defensive hand strikes and kicks
- Defense against hand strikes and kicks
- Defense against knife attacks
- Use of a knife for both defense and attack
- Use of personal weapons as objects for both defense and attack
- Defense against a blunt object
- Search and seizure of a suspect
- Coordination with a partner and/or a unit
- Third party protection
- Working under pressure and changing conditions
- Situational analysis and plan of response, including prioritizing attackers
- Krav Maga in combat situations – the ability to judge relative position to a threat situation and determine whether Krav Maga (close vicinity) or a hand weapon (distant) is the more appropriate response.
Krav Maga for Law Enforcement:
A Law Enforcement Officer, after their training, will often find themselves in a situation which requires the knowledge and determination taught by Krav Maga. These situations can arise with both unarmed and armed assailants where actions can quickly intensify from an initial spark into a dire situation. These events can result in many different consequences, both mental and physical. A lack of mental discipline and training can critically affect the outcome of these types of events.
According to investigations conducted by law enforcement organizations in Israel, most violent incidents occur with initial warning signs which progress to violent confrontations. Learning – and practicing -methods of prevention, recognizing and assessing the situation and determining the appropriate path to avoiding confrontation and preventing violent escalation are thoroughly studied. Types of self-defense techniques taught include:
- Hand and kick strikes
- Defense against hand and kick strikes
- Defense against choking and bear hugs
- Defense against knife attacks
- Defense against blunt objects
- Search and seizure of a subject
- Escape from gunpoint threats
- Utilization of live firearms as an object for defense and attack
- Third party protection
- Working in pairs or with multiple partners
- Working under pressure and changing conditions
- Situational analysis and plan of response, including prioritizing attackers
Krav Maga for Personnel Security:

In general, Krav Maga emphasizes prevention and early threat detection which may require physical intervention. It is critical that the security personnel be well-trained professionals, as their job can requires a fast transition from the daily routine to dealing with a hostile security situation. Therefore, in this program we focus on developing the individual’s determination, aggressiveness and considered response, all in combination with the simple and effective Krav Maga techniques.
- Hand and kick strikes
- Defense against hand and kick strikes
- Defense against choking and bear hugs
- Escape from, and defense against, knife threats and attacks
- Defense against blunt objects
- Search and seizure of a subject
- Escape from gunpoint threats
- Working in pairs or with multiple partners
- Working under pressure and changing conditions
- Third party protection
- Use of personal weapons as objects for defense and attack
- Situational analysis and plan of response, including prioritizing attackers
- Krav Maga in combat situations – the ability to judge relative position to a threat situation and determine whether Krav Maga (close vicinity) or a hand weapon (distant) is the more appropriate response.